Yesterday, I completed a Joomla! project, but no links this time! The reason is that I’m not particularly proud of this website. It’s a website that shouldn’t have been built, but which was built anyway. A customer wanted to present his catalogues using flipbooks, but insisted that:
- We hosted the flipbooks and the PDF’s
- We used a new domain name.
So we came up with what’s “sort-of” a Joomla website; and it looked nice. Our texts explained what was going on. That is, until the text had to be stripped from most of the pages; and what’s now left are weird web pages with links you should click for some reason. On the plus side, the flipbooks look really good! No Joomla! components this time; but a piece of software that’s worth every single one of the 199 dollars we paid for it.
In other news, Joomla & More got an email by Acquia. They’re the people behind Drupal, and they launched a new product: Drupalgarden. They were looking for feedback from someone from the Joomla! Community (That would be us) so we’ll be testing their product, which is in beta but available for anyone who wants to try it / use it. Drupalgarden basically allows you to create your own Drupal website; which you can then customize to fit your needs. Think of the blogs, but… well, powered by Drupal and with WAAAAAAAAAAAY more options.
Our first impression? Looks very good; and easy enough to use. Coming from my mouth, that means a lot 😉
Anyway, back to work! we’ve got a Plustek site to finish, *sigh*
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do u have a twitter
Sure I do! -> torettox84
I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?
Sure. Just e-mail me a proposal and we’ll take it from there. 🙂