One of the things WordPress is best known for, it it’s “5 minute install”. So, that made me wonder… How long would it take me to install a CMs, and configure it to have similar features? I decided to create a simple “speed install” test. In this post, you can read the rules for this “CMS Installation Test”.
We test how long it takes to install a CMS, and document it.
Why a Speed Test?
WordPress claims to offer a “5 minute install”. We were wondering how long it takes
to install another CMS, and achieve the same result.
What are the rules?
We will Install a CMS, and make the site meet the following conditions:
- Must have one post on frontpage with one image
- Must have possibility to post more posts on same page.
- Must allow comments
- We will use the default template
- Must display latest articles
- Must display most popular articles.
- All sample data must be gone.
Installation conditions?
- We install the CMS on our localhost
- Installation files are ready in folder.
- Text is already written (you’re reading it!)
- Downloads don’t count towards installation time.
The Goal?
We want to see how long it takes to set up a CMS!
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