Can I see the menu, please?

Now that Spring has finally arrived in the land of chocolate, beer, and waffles,  it is time for a  “spring clean-up” here at Joomla & More. But instead of throwing things away or sweeping them under a rug (tsk, tsk) we’ve added things you’ll (hopefully) enjoy.

While our statistics prove that we don’t have many regular readers, I thought it was time to make using the site a bit more worthwhile for them. For as long as this site exists – about 4 years or so – the site didn’t have a menu. All pages were shown on the front page. Not very user-friendly for those revisiting the site.

We were also told that our “Website is ugly” in a blog post (which also named Joomla & More a “Blog of interest”, so they are forgiven) and they probably weren’t wrong.

Anyway, to solve those issues we’ve made the following changes:

    • We’ve got a menu! We’ve now got a genuine top menu linking to the most popular categories, for your navigation convenience. (Although “Joomla” is still missing from the list)
    • We are now using a new template. Ten Twelve is simple but stylish with a focus on content. Just the way I like it. It’s also responsive which isn’t just a big “plus”. It was a requirement.
    • Joomla & More now has its own Twitter account, for those that aren’t comfortable with following @torettox84.  Yes, I tweet a lot, I can’t blame you for that. Hopefully the low-pace tweeting of @jandmore is more to your liking.
    • You can now sign up for our newsletter.  Which exists for about a year. But we forgot to link you to the sign-up page. Well, that’s sorted out now, you can find the link under “Contact”.
    • New category: I’ve added a new category, “Reviews”. I guess you can already guess what sort of articles will be posted to this category. (*)
  • Last but not least: People kept pointing out that I’m using WordPress for a site that’s (partially) about Joomla!. I’ve realized that this is silly, and to correct this error I’ve migrated this website to Drupal. You’re welcome. (***)

(*) If you’d like me to review your (Joomla!) product, hit me up at Twitter or send me an e-mail at

(**) I’m kidding, obviously. I migrated the website to Concrete5.

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