We’re going to interrupt our undoubtedly very interesting stream of “help” posts with a good, old-fashioned rant.
A while ago, we at Joomla-and-more took it upon us to manage brevcom.net, a once popular internet forum that had been abandoned because of financial problems. All of a sudden, we had to get acquainted with PHPBB3 – something we had never worked with before.
Ever since that day, we’ve had more problems with keeping the forum online than to make sure that the many websites which Analys4IT manages kept running smoothly. Managing the forum has been a pain in the ass; and I’d wish that we could dump PHPBB3 in the very near future. We’ve been looking at Agora as a replacement, but we’d have to start from scratch.
For Brevcom.net that would be the last blow; so we’re in a compromise situation. We don’t really like PHPBB3, but we’ve got no other choice than to support the PHPBB3 forum because we don’t want to disappoint the people we promised we’d help.
If you’re ever in the position where you have the choice as to what forum you’re going to use, I’m going to give you a hint. When you’re already running a Joomla! website, just go for Kunena or Agora. Both are solid forum components for Joomla! It’s not worth the trouble to fiddle with bridges etc. In the end you’ll regret choosing a non-Joomla! forum anyway, like we did. Don’t make the mistake we made
Sorry for the chaotic rant, people. We’ll try to make the next post a useful one again. We promise!