Review: CFlappyBird

Our high score is 3. Which is better than you'd think. Seriously.
Our high score is 3. Which is better than you’d think. Seriously.

Did you miss the original Flappybird hype? Well, mope no more. The guy(s) of Compojoom have created CFlappybird, a Flappybird ‘clone’ which you can install on your Joomla site.

CFlappyBird is a game with basic controls. You tap to make a bird fly through pipes – or you click on the screen with your mouse. The goal is to fly between as many pipes as possible. But don’t be fooled: CFlappybird is frustratingly hard – like the original Flappybird game. Why would you want to play a game like that? To boast about your scores, of course!

Joomla Cred

CFlappy is covered in a Joomla Sauce. Not only can you fly as the “bird”, you can also play with well-known Joomla people instead – which adds to the “fun” factor. Or the psychopath factor, if you intentionally fly them into the iconic pipes. Which will make your next JoomlaDay a bit more akward.

CFlappybird can be downloaded and tested on this page. If you’re the impulsive type, try the demo first. We wouldn’t want you to delete your Joomla site in frustration after failing to beat your high score, yet AGAIN.


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