Post 300, more pictures, games, ads(?)

Hello readers of Joomla & More!

I can hear you think it. “What now?”. Because, yeah, this is the 4th blog post we wrote today. Hey, I told you not to read the first post. And yet 15 people on Twitter just couldn’t resist. So, it’s sort of your fault, for encouraging me. Like, in the last five years.

But anyway, I’m writing this post to share some (good) news with you. You can do with that what you want.

300 posts

Today, Joomla & More broke the milestone of 300 posts. Granted, that’s just a number, but it means we’ve been able to share a lot with all you guys. And we’re going to keep doing that, in the next few years. Because you made this possible (I’m a sucker for stats)

A new ‘type’ of posts

Today, we experimented with a new type of blog posts. You can see the result here. This blog post was written with the documentation tool I used for 90% of my documentation (when I’m not using another tool from the same developers). It makes well written tutorials easier, because of it’s built-in screenshot and annotation feature.

And, in their new version, they’re supporting posting to WordPress. This means we’ll be writing “better” posts, with more (annotated) images from now on. So, our “text-only-because-screenshots-take-time-and-are-so-boring” posts will be a thing from the past, from now on.

What this also means is that, when posts are written with this editor, I can create a PDF version in just a click. I’ll be making this PDF version available for download – for free or against a small fee, I haven’t figured that out yet – so you can read, and even print the tutorials at your own leisure. Well, maybe not print. Think of the trees. Not that we’re judging, if you do.

Games are fun, right?

Very few of you know that, right before starting Joomla & More I was actually a video game journalist. I quit because I knew #gamergate was about to happen, and… No, sorry, that’s a lie. I quit because Joomla & More started to consume my free time, and because of some personal issues.

But I’ve always been playing with the idea of starting to write about video games again. I created blogs, deleted blogs, considered my options… and now, I’m thinking about blogging about Games (video games) right here. After all, it’s Joomla & More and I’m sure a few of you might be interested in reading a review now and then. Right? Let me know if that would offend you in the comments.

Ads. What are they good for?

Well… they’re a way to generate income. Which is why we have enabled WordAds in the past. And, since a few weeks, allows bloggers (like me) to use affiliate links. I’m playing with the idea of implementing them tastefully.

After all, writing for Joomla & More isn’t free. There’s tools I have to buy, domain names to pay for, and things I’d like to do for which I don’t have the budget yet. So I’m going to give this a shot, and see how that works out. Don’t worry, I’m not going to add a zillion ads or hide them conveniently in text links . You’ll know it when you see them.

And with that being said, I end this blog overload on this Thursday. Enjoy the rest of the day, and keep visiting us!

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