Some time ago, we mentioned that we were working on Joomla documentation. We’ve released the document a few weeks ago already, but it slipped our mind to also announce that fact right here.
Our very first guide is available for download on right now. It’s written in our no-nonsense style you’ve gotten used to. It focuses on getting things done instead of explaining what each button does. The Toralkodocs site describes the e-book as follows:
The Joomla! Manager Manual covers the basic actions for people with the “Manager” role. It’s focused on users that quickly want to learn how to quickly use articles or categories.
It is available for free. A Premium version is also available for members of the Founders club – and Premium Members – we are working on this new subscription level as we speak.
We hope you enjoy this manual, and hope it’ll be the first in a series. Enjoy the reading experience!