Some people follow the Gregorian calender. Others swear by starting a new year somewhere in February (Hello, China!). Joomla & More likes to start a new year when a new billing cycle starts. And we just renewed our domain name, so here we are.
In other years, this would be the time where we made bold statements about what we want to achieve in the following year. Introspective about the posts written and an analysis of the highlights of the past year.
We won’t be doing any of that this year. We’re going to start the next year with a clean state. No expectations. No fixed ideas of what we have to do or want to do. Or what Joomla & More is. This blog once started as a personal tech blog, then became a Joomla oriented blog and then slipped into an archive for old posts about Joomla for people that somehow, for some reason are still using Joomla 1.5 and run into problems the rest of us solved years ago.
Anyway, with the bills being paid for another year we are going to freestyle it a bit this year. No schedules for blog posts, no obsession over stats, no longer trying to be a blog about just Joomla. We are going to write about what is fun, interesting and what catches our attention. If a Joomla topic is too boring and WordPress launches a hot new release, we’ll be covering that instead. If someone asks me to review a video game, who am I to say no to that?
Basically, what I’m saying is that Joomla & More will be up for anything in 2016. We hope that we are setting off to an exciting blogging adventure the next year, with lots of interesting blog posts to entertain you, countless learning moments and opportunities to share something we thought that would be of interest of you.
Here’s to the next Joomla & More year. We hope to see you soon!