Since i’m in the IT business, it’s nearly impossible for me not to use Ubuntu. Where most of the people steer clear of the open source world because of prejudice – and because they stick with Windows for other vague reasons – I’ve embraced the Open Source world a long time ago. Open source is not evil, bent on destruction of your computer network. Contrary to that it can be a valuable and affordable addition to the systems you’ve already have.
One of the best Open Source products out there, in my opinion, is the Linux operating system Ubuntu. This flexible, low cost – as in free – OS has got a strong back that can carry quite alot of weight. It’s the ideal platform for webservers, and can be used in many other ways to assist your windows machines. Ubuntu development is extremely fast, as well. No wait of 2 year for a service pack to fix problems. Every 6 months a new version of Ubuntu is available; one a “long time support version” and one version that’s supported until the next “long time support version comes out – 6 months later.
This updating cycle is great but it caused me some trouble today. I realized that I was one version behind and decided to update. When doing that, I realized that I was not ONE but TWO versions behind. Joke’s on me for not paying attention. This implies that I’ll have to spend quite some time to update all my machines using Ubuntu. Because of this I’m considering only updating the physical machines and the Virtual machines we use that are crucial for our company – although those test servers could just as well be removed and replaced by the newer, shinier version. Now you know what I’ll be doing the next few days: update, update, update!!!