Q&A: Do you update your blog using Screensteps?

Yesterday, I received the question if I use Screensteps for my Tutorials on Joomla & More or whether I compose them in WordPress. Interesting question! I thought I’d share the answer with my readers as well.

Q: Do you update your blog using Screensteps, or do you use WordPress itself?


It depends.

Most of the tutorials on Joomla & More were actually composed in – believe it or not – Windows Live Writer. I then add screenshots manually afterwards. You can imagine this is a bit of a hassle; having to create screenshots individually and then adding them to the article.

However, I’ve already written a few posts using Screensteps. They’re easy to recognize – they’re the newer ones with plenty of screenshots.  Screensteps + WordPress (or Joomla) = Perfect for writing tutorials!

So you’ll likely see me use Screensteps more and more, in the future. When I don’t have to worry about screenshots, I’ll likely use the WordPress editor which is pretty neat.

Got a question yourself? About Joomla, WordPress, … ? Feel free to mail me at steven@toralkolabs.net. Please do not use this e-mail address for support requests. My time is limited and I’d rather focus on blogging! 🙂


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