Next week, Akeeba (of Akeeba Backup fame) will be revealing a new product, according to @joovlaki on Twitter. We have had the privilege to test the application in the past few weeks. While we can’t tell you what will be revealed, we’re almost positive it’ll be an important release.
The application which we tested is an awesome solution to an old problem, works like a charm and is guaranteed to make the life of a lot of site builders a LOT easier. It’ll give them a great tool for their tool set.
We can’t predict the future, but we believe the application might have the potential to become even bigger than Akeeba Backup (we went there). It hits all the right notes to do so. But time will tell.
Tired of obscure tweets, agitated by a news post which is more teaser than informational and curious what this “next big thing” will be? Stay tuned and watch Akeeba’s news channels for the official reveal. We will also be posting a review shortly after.