New: JandmoreTV

For some time now, we’ve been wondering how to take our material to a higher level. We thought using video would be a great addition to this site, so that’s what we have been testing for a while.

That forced us to make a decision: How are we going to offer these videos? The blog platform we are using quickly ruled out hosting them ourselves – which makes the content of the first video we created quite ironic – so there was only one obvious choice.


We’re now on Youtube, with our very own channel, JandmoreTV. Jandmore is the short name of  Joomla & More (it’s also our twitter handle), and since Youtube is the new TV… Well, we thought it was a good explanation anyway.

You can watch the videos on Youtube or find them in our blogs. The second option is the best “start” for now as there’s no audio – yet. We are working hard on the quality of the embedded videos, so hopefully they’ll be crisp and smooth soon!

We hope you’ll enjoy our new “channel”. Feel free to click that “Subscribe” button.

You can find our Youtube Channel by clicking here.

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