SH404SEF link missing / 404 error ?

Today, I had a problem with SH404SEF.  A few links in my menu didn’t link to the desired content, but instead clicking them showed a 404 error page. 

To fix this problem, I went to the administrator panel.  Much to my surprise, I couldn’t find the broken links in the URL Manager. 

Some Googling lead me to the solution, on the SH404SEF forum.  It’s a solution I couldn’t have come up with myself.  If you’re using SH404SEF and experience the events below, try the solution for yourself:

  • some links in your menu lead to a 404 page
  • you can’t find these broken links in the URL manager!


  1. Go to your administrator panel.
  2. Open SH404SEF > 404 Requests Manager
  3. Click “Purge” to the top right of the screen. 

This should solve your problem!  Verify if it’s solved by testing the link (after refreshing).  Usually, you’ll see that the link has defaulted to the “original” URL created by SH404SEF.  Check the URL Manager section of SH404SEF as well.  You probably need to edit the URL in the URL Manager to suit your taste. 

Hope this helps!  Feel free to leave a comment. 

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